Dunedin TimeBank Complaints Policy & Procedure

Last revised: 30/04/2023




1. Dunedin TimeBank will do its best to resolve complaints in a manner satisfactory to the person laying the complaint and to all involved.


2. Resolving complaints may involve using a mediator. 


3. Dunedin TimeBank cannot guarantee any particular outcome. 


1. Promptly call the Dunedin TimeBank primary coordinator on the mobile number listed on our website homepage www.DunedinTimeBank.nz to briefly outline the complaint and ensure they are aware of it.

a. Either via email to ConnectingOtago@Outlook.co.nz, or 
b. By mail to: 
Dunedin TimeBank 
174 Princes Street 
Dunedin Central 
Dunedin 9016
2. Coordinators will review the complaint and communicate amongst themselves as to who will take the lead on it.
3. The lead coordinator (and possibly other coordinators) will work with the person who laid the complaint and others involved – possibly using a mediator – to do their best to resolve the complaint in a satisfactory manner.
Dunedin TimeBank

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